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IBM Appoints New Chairman For Greater China

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by , 02-11-2015 at 07:57 PM (1284 Views)

Chen Liming is the new IBM chairman of the Greater China region.

Before joining IBM, Chen was China president of British Petroleum and has extensive operating experience in the Chinese market.
Chen gained his Master's degree from Cornell University in 1989 and completed an advanced management program at Harvard Business School in 2003. He joined British Petroleum in November 2008 and was appointed president of British Petroleum China in 2009.

After joining IBM, Chen will work closely with D.C. Chien, chief executive president of IBM Greater China, to jointly lead the Greater China business. His major duties are cultivating, enhancing, and expanding IBM's extensive cooperation in the Chinese business ecosystem. As chairman of Greater China, Chen will provide suggestions, guidance and counseling to IBM's leadership team and cooperating partners.

IBM said that as an important position in IBM, the post of Greater China chairman will help create IBM China's growth strategy and promote the business development of IBM in Greater China.


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