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How Fishermen's Bragging Rights Gave Birth To Fine Art - "the one that got away"

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by , 09-07-2015 at 10:57 AM (1733 Views)

Fishing for fine art:
Gyotaku, the art of making inked prints from real fish, originated in 19th century Japan. Above, three examples from modern Gyotaku artist Heather Fortner (from left): Under the Rainbow Rainbow Trout; Little big skate and Primary colors butterfly ray.

Fishing lore is full of tales about "the one that got away," and fishermen have been known to exaggerate the size of their catch. The bragging problem is apparently so bad, Texas even has a law on the books that makes lying about the size or provenance of a fish caught in a tournament an offense that could come with a felony charge.

But in 19th century Japan, some enterprising fishermen found a foolproof way to record trophy catches. (Some versions of this origin story suggest they did so at the emperor's behest.) The method was known as gyotaku, or "fish rubbing," and allowed fishermen to print inked fish onto paper — creating a permanent record of their size. They used a nontoxic sumi-e ink, a black ink traditionally used in both writing and painting which could be easily washed off. Once the print was made, the fish was either released, if it was still alive, or sold at market.

At first, these prints were rudimentary, but they soon became works of art. Fishermen began adding details like eyes (which don't show up in a print) and enhancing other parts of the image. Over time, gyotaku became an established art form with two printing methods: direct and indirect.

artist Heather Fortner explains that in direct printing, the ink is placed directly onto the fish, using it almost like a stamp on the page. Indirect printing is the "finer art form," she says: The paper is glued to the fish and ink is tamped gently onto the page, "like a gravestone rubbing."

Though gyotaku artists traditionally used sumi-e ink, today, anything from India ink to acrylic is considered fair game.

Oregon pomfret, by Heather Fortner. "I have always loved the ocean and anything from the ocean," Fortner says, adding, "Gyotaku allows you to express an appreciation for the natural world by partnering with the finest artist in the world: Mother Nature."


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