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Good morning - Fabian Perez painting

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by , 05-01-2015 at 04:46 PM (2322 Views)
Fabian Perez painting

Fabian Perez is an artist born in Buenos Aires. He currently resides in Los Angeles and is known for his paintings of the tango and for his portraits. In 2009 Perez was named the official artist of the 10th annual Latin Grammy Awards. In 2010 Perez was selected to paint the 2010 Winter Olympics and 2012 Summer Olympics.

Name:  fabian4.jpg
Views: 948
Size:  97.6 KB

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Views: 476
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Name:  fabian2.jpg
Views: 495
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Name:  fabian3.jpg
Views: 200
Size:  26.7 KB

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