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  1. UniLineBreak indicator - color bars and upper/lower levels with the sound alerts

    by , 03-14-2019 at 09:13 PM
    UniLineBreak indicator


    UniLineBreak_v2.5 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the fixed UniLineBreak indicator which is able to show the color bars, the upper/lower levels, the up/dntrend signals and with the sound alerts.

    Name:  unilinebreak_v2.5 600+.png
Views: 115
Size:  13.4 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  2. AutoCorrelationPeriodogra m based on 'Cycle Analytics for Traders' book

    by , 03-14-2019 at 09:04 AM
    AutoCorrelationPeriodogram indicator


    AutoCorrelationPeriodogram_v1.1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This indicator is based on the code published in the J.Ehlers' book 'Cycle Analytics for Traders'.

    Name:  autocorrelationperiodogram_v1.1 600+.png
Views: 74
Size:  97.8 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. AllAbsoluteDifference Divergence indicator updated for MT4 and MT5

    by , 03-14-2019 at 02:32 AM
    AllAbsoluteDifference Divergence indicator updated for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5


    AllAbsoluteDifference Divergence_v2.5 600+ indicator for MT4 and AllAbsoluteDifference Divergence_v2.6 indicator for MT5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated AllAbsoluteDifference Divergence indicator based on AllAbsoluteDifference tool showing regular and hidden divergence with arrows and all kinds of alerts.

    Name:  allabsolutedifference divergence1111.jpg
Views: 185
Size:  92.5 KB
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. Digital Martingale-2 EA for H1 timeframe

    by , 03-09-2019 at 07:19 AM
    Digital Martingale-2 EA for MT4 build 600++


    Digital Martingale-2 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. EA is using Dfs separate for ea indicator and good for H1 timeframe.

    Name:  eurusd-h1-ibfx-inc.png
Views: 103
Size:  47.5 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  5. Fractal Tools for Metatrader 5

    by , 03-07-2019 at 06:02 AM
    Fractal Tools for Metatrader 5


    FractalsMD_v3.4 indicator for MT5 and FractalChannelMD_v3.4 for MT5 indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the version with the advanced popup/email/push alerts for MT5.

    Name:  fractal_channelmd_3.4 mt5.png
Views: 236
Size:  127.1 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags