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Can art redress economic inequality? White Cube in Lusanga

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by , 03-19-2017 at 12:45 PM (1117 Views)
A new museum due to open on 21 April in the Congolese forest aims to “repatriate” the white cube space. Built on a former palm oil plantation of the English-Dutch company Unilever, a major sponsor of museums in the UK and the Netherlands, the White Cube is part of the Lusanga International Research Centre for Art and Economic Inequality in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Designed pro-bono by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), it is the Dutch firm’s first museum in Africa. At the heart of the project is “how to attack worldwide inequalities… at the root”, says the artist Cedrick Tamasala, a member of the local art cooperative Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise (Congolese Plantation Workers Art League/CATPC), which co-founded the research centre. “The ‘white cube’, the art world, are so far from the reality here,” he says.

Inside the White Cube in Lusanga (Image: ©OMA)


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