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Half-Life - Details on Episode III

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by , 08-28-2017 at 02:27 PM (837 Views)

It’s been just shy of a decade since Valve released Half Life 2: Episode 2. Gamers have slowly come to grips with the fact that Valve is never going to make a Half-Life 3, any more than it’s going to make a Left For Dead 3, or well, pretty much any other AAA game of note. Valve is a publisher, not a developer, and it’s focused on esports like DOTA 2. Not a great situation.

Marc Laidlaw, the former Valve employee who was responsible for writing Half-Life, has released a full synopsis of the plot using renamed characters to avoid any kind of copyright infringement — but a brave soul has taken his blog post, shuffled in the correct character names, and posted it online.


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