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Weekly USD/JPY Outlook: 2017, June 25 - July 02

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by , 06-26-2017 at 01:52 AM (1049 Views)
Dollar/yen dipped had a strong start to the week but petered out later on. The pair has been sliding as enthusiasm from the Fed’s hawkishness was replaced by skepticism.

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  • The upcoming week begins with a strong start from durable goods orders, continues with the CB consumer confidence and culminates with the final read of US GDP. It is also important to watch out for the Core PCE Price Index, the Fed’s favorite measure of inflation.
  • In general, $/yen hardly moves on Japanese events. Japan’s trade surplus came out slightly lower than expected.
  • The upcoming week features Japanese inflation figures on Thursday at 23:50. Watch out for the more up-to-date Tokyo CPI. The unemployment rate in Japan dropped to a low of 2.8%.

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