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USD/CAD Outlook: 2017, May 28 - June 04

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by , 05-30-2017 at 09:38 AM (884 Views)
The Canadian posted gains for a second straight week, as USD/CAD lost 80 points. The pair closed the week at 1.3440. This week’s key event is GDP.

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  1. Current Account: Tuesday, 12:30. The deficit for Q1 is expected to rise to C$11.4 billion.
  2. RMPI: Tuesday, 12:30. This index measures inflation in the manufacturing sector. The indicator continues to weaken and came in at -1.6% in March, a sharper drop than expected.
  3. GDP: Wednesday, 12:30. The March estimate stands at 0.3%.
  4. Manufacturing PMI: Thursday, 13:30.
  5. Trade Balance: Friday, 12:30. Little change is predicted for the April release, with a forecast of C$0.0 billion.
  6. Labor Productivity: Friday, 12:30. The estimate for Q1 stands at 0.2%.

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