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John Ehlers Toolbox

This is a discussion on John Ehlers Toolbox within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi All, In this thread we'll try to post all tools (indicators & strategies) of famous John Ehlers. At the ...


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  1. #1

    John Ehlers Toolbox

    Hi All,

    In this thread we'll try to post all tools (indicators & strategies) of famous John Ehlers.

    At the begining, please take a look at the advanced MAMA in which I tried to apply our AllAverages algorithms with(or instead of) the EMA. Also I replaced parameters FastLimit and SlowLimit on more understandable MinPeriod and MaxPeriod. Plus you can find that I use phase smoothing which allows to get new quality of the MAMA.

    extern int     TimeFrame         =     0;   //Time Frame in min
    extern int     Price             =     4;   //Price Mode (0...10)
    extern int     MinPeriod         =     3;   //Min Period of MAMA
    extern int     MaxPeriod         =    39;   //Max Period of MAMA
    extern int     MA_Mode           =     1;   //According to list above
    extern int     PhaseSmooth       =     1;   //Period of Phase Smoothing  
    extern int     PhaseSmoothMode   =     1;   //According to list above
    extern int     SignalMode        =     1;   //Switch of Signal mode(0-off,1-on)
    extern string  alerts            = "--- Alerts & Emails ---";
    extern int     AlertMode         =     1;   //Alert Mode (0-off,1-on)
    extern int     SoundsNumber      =     5;   //Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause       =     5;   //Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound           = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound           = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode         =     0;   //0-on,1-off   
    extern int     EmailsNumber      =     1;   //0-on,1-off
    extern int     WarningMode       =     0;   //Warning Mode (0-off,1-on)
    Standard MAMA:

    John Ehlers Toolbox-allmama_1.gif

    T3 MAMA:

    John Ehlers Toolbox-allmama_2.gif

    TCT, Dormi, Iamfree and 4 others like this.

  2. #2

    Swami Stochastic

    Hi All,

    I suppose the SwamiCharts are latest indicators from J.Ehlers ToolBox. SwamiCharts is an evolutionary step forward, providing a 3D heatmap view of a technical indicator over a wide sequential range of lookback periods.

    So please take a look at the SwamiStochastic_v1 with input parameters as follows:

    extern int     Price          =        0;    //Applied to
    extern int     HiLoMode       =        0;    //HiLoMode
    extern int     StartLength    =       12;    //Stochastic Start Period
    extern int     EndLength      =       48;    //Stochastic End Period
    extern int     SampleLength   =       12;    //Sample Stochastic Period(0-off)
    extern int     PreSmooth      =        3;    //Pre-smoothing Period
    extern int     Smooth         =        9;    //Smoothing Period         
    extern color   UpTrendColor   =     Lime;    //UpTrend Color 
    extern color   DnTrendColor   =      Red;    //DownTrend Color
    extern color   FlatColor      =   Yellow;    //Flat Color (if NONE-2 Color Mix)  
    extern string  UniqueName     =  "Stoch";    //
    extern int     ScaleMode      =        1;    //0-J.Ehlers,1-0...100
    extern int     SwamiBars      =      100;    //-1-off,0-all Bars,>0-any number

    John Ehlers Toolbox-swamistoch_1.gif

    Gus4x likes this.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by igorad View Post
    Hi All,

    I suppose the SwamiCharts are latest indicators from J.Ehlers ToolBox. SwamiCharts is an evolutionary step forward, providing a 3D heatmap view of a technical indicator over a wide sequential range of lookback periods.

    So please take a look at the SwamiStochastic_v1 with input parameters as follows:

    extern int     Price          =        0;    //Applied to
    extern int     HiLoMode       =        0;    //HiLoMode
    extern int     StartLength    =       12;    //Stochastic Start Period
    extern int     EndLength      =       48;    //Stochastic End Period
    extern int     SampleLength   =       12;    //Sample Stochastic Period(0-off)
    extern int     PreSmooth      =        3;    //Pre-smoothing Period
    extern int     Smooth         =        9;    //Smoothing Period         
    extern color   UpTrendColor   =     Lime;    //UpTrend Color 
    extern color   DnTrendColor   =      Red;    //DownTrend Color
    extern color   FlatColor      =   Yellow;    //Flat Color (if NONE-2 Color Mix)  
    extern string  UniqueName     =  "Stoch";    //
    extern int     ScaleMode      =        1;    //0-J.Ehlers,1-0...100
    extern int     SwamiBars      =      100;    //-1-off,0-all Bars,>0-any number

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	swamistoch_1.gif 
Views:	4125 
Size:	52.9 KB 
ID:	908

    Hi Igor ,

    Although the concept is solid and interesting ,it is difficult to trade with swami indicator.So is it possible to give bit value for each clour like similar to this article: Comparative Analysis of 30 Indicators and Oscillators thanks and regards.
    Last edited by newdigital; 06-15-2013 at 04:33 PM. Reason: changed link to article from russian to english language (same article)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tovim View Post
    Hi Igor ,

    Although the concept is solid and interesting ,it is difficult to trade with swami indicator.So is it possible to give bit value for each clour like similar to this article: Comparative Analysis of 30 Indicators and Oscillators thanks and regards.

    Hi Tovim,

    There could be a lot of modifications of the SwamiChart method. The SwamiStoch is just a small part of the whole direction which was created J.Ehlers during last years. More infomation you can receive at the and

    Please take a look at the screenshot from the

    Attachment 1517

    As you can see there is 3 important definitions: Early Action, Confirmation and Continuation, that show what is going on the market.

    But I understand that you want to have more clear picture from 2 colors: green color - uptrend and red - downtrend. Please check out the updated SwamiStochastic_v1.1 with new parameter VisualMode: 0-standard,1-trend.

    Attachment 1521


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014

    Any chance you have a version of the cyclegenerator that works in MT4 600+?

    Thanks for all the cool work you have done on these indicators....

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jefftrader View Post

    Any chance you have a version of the cyclegenerator that works in MT4 600+?

    Thanks for all the cool work you have done on these indicators....
    Hi jefftrader,

    Looks like the CycleGenerator works fine on the new MT4.

    Attachment 8892

    Could you show what issues you have with the script?


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Sorry to bother you with this. I had the script in the indicators folder and wasn't opening the offline chart. I read through the thread again and found what I need on page 3.

    thanks for the quick reply and for your amazing work on the DSP side of price action.

    jefftrader likes this.

  8. #8


    As you possibly know J.Ehlers spent a lot of time and efforts to make research of market cycles. One of the first studies focused on the use of Hilbert Transform to the calculation of the dominant cycle period.

    extern int     Price        =   4;  //Applied to(see list above) 
    extern double  Alpha        =0.07;  //Cycle Smoothing Factor
    extern int     MedianPeriod =   5;  //Period of Moving Median
    extern int     DCsmooth     =   5;  //Period of Dominant Cycle Smoothing
    Also you can find the advanced CycleGenerator_v4 script which I developed especially for testing purposes of the cycle indicators such as FFT, Goertzel Algorithm, BandPass Filter, MESA and so on.

    How to use:
    Just apply this script to any chart in your terminal and then open the new chart via File->Open Offline(eg. !VarFreq,M2).

    extern string     FileName          = "!VarFreq";
    extern int        FileMode          = 0;     //0-.hst,1-.csv
    extern int        hstTimeFrame      = 2;     //History TimeFrame (ex.2)
    extern string     Periods           = "10;20;30;50;70";  //Array of Periods 
    extern string     Amplitudes        = "1";   //Array of Amplitudes
    extern string     Phases            = "0";   //Array of Phases in degrees(ex.45;60;90)  
    extern string     RandomAmplitudes  = "0";   //Array of Random Apmlitudes(ex.0.1;0;0.5)  
    extern int        SinusoidMode      = 1;     //0-Sum of Sinusoids, 1-Frequency-Varying Sinusoid 
    extern int        BodyMode          = 0;     //0-off,1-on
    extern int        WicksMode         = 0;     //Array of Amplitudes
    extern int        RandomWicksHeight = 0;     //0-off,1-on
    extern double     WicksHeightPct    = 0;     //Wicks Height Percentage (ex.0.3)
    extern double     StartPrice        = 4;     //Start Price  
    extern int        digits            = 5;     //Digits
    extern int        UseStartDate      = 0;     //0-off,1-on
    extern datetime   StartDate         = D'2009.05.01 12:00';  
    extern int        UseEndDate        = 0;     //0-off,1-on 
    extern datetime   EndDate           = D'2009.05.01 12:00';
    Attachment 1082

    As you can see on the attached picture there is a sufficient lag at the cycle calculation.


  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    sir irorad,
    thank you very much for this cyclegenerator script. i have huge interest on market cycle, but still cant find proper knowledge/tools(how to use)/system that can help me trade with cycles. can you give me some direction?

  10. #10
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Hi debashis,

    I think - Igorad will reply but for my understanding - this kind of indicators may be used inside some system (manual trading system which we need to create), or as separated indicators on the way as: one indicator = one trading system.

    I do not know about CyclePeriod indicator (i never used it sorry) but AllMAMA_v2.3 is very understandable - use it as 2 MA indicators crossing. Besides, this AllMAMA_v2.3 indicator is very good candidate for future possible EA for example.

    As to SwamiStochastic_v1 indicator so I understand that is is for better visualization (same with all Swami) - read here: Swami is usually used for TradeStation platform so Igorad made it for Metatrader :

    SwamiCharts retain the core functionality of the technical indicators you're already familiar with while packing much more information into an easy-to-interpret heatmap chart. With SwamiCharts, you now visualize each indicator over a range of lookback periods to reveal a better view of the indicator's truer meaning in context.

    Ordinary indicators suffer from the limited view of a single lookback period. You get (often unnecessary) detail at that specific period setting but may be missing the bigger picture provided by multiple lookback periods.

    Success with ordinary indicators is highly dependent on parameter settings. Does it make sense to always use the same ones? Will backtesting improve my results? How far back should I test? These questions persist.

    SwamiCharts provide a better solution because you can now visualize context over a wide range of lookbacks. Trends and cycles emerge more succintly while continuation patterns and reversals become easier to identify.
    debashis likes this.

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