4 Attachment(s)
Currency Indexes, Clusters and Strenght
The presented indicator is displayed in form of a line with two removable and customizable moving averages. The indicator is shown in the separate chart window
extern string comment1 = "// 0 - PRICE_CLOSE, 1 - PRICE_OPEN, 2 - PRICE_HIGH, 3 - PRICE_LOW, 4 - PRICE_MEDIAN, 5 - PRICE_TYPICAL, 6 - PRICE_WEIGHTED";
extern int _PriceType = PRICE_CLOSE;
extern int MA_Period1 = 13; //period of the first moving average. Set to 0 to turn it off
extern int MA_Period2 = 17;
extern string comment2 = "// 0 - MODE_SMA, 1 - MODE_EMA, 2 - MODE_SMMA, 3 - MODE_LWMA";
extern int MA_Mode1 = MODE_SMA;
extern int MA_Mode2 = MODE_SMA;
Attachment 3502
Turkish Lira index (Sepet Kur)
TRYBASK= 1 x [(USDTRY x 0.50) + (EURTRY x 0.50)]
Attachment 3503
U.S. Dollar index
UDSX= 50.14348112 × [(EURUSD x -0.576) + (USDJPY x 0.136) + (GBPUSD x -0.119) + (USDCAD x 0.091) + (USDSEK x 0.042) + (USDCHF x 0.036)]
Attachment 3504
Euro index
EURX=34.38805726 x [(EURUSD x 0.3155) + (EURGBP x 0.3056) + (EURJPY x 0.1891) + (EURCHF x 0.1113) + (EURSEK x 0.0785)]
Attachment 3505
5 Attachment(s)
Currency Strength in Excel
An advance excel file created to measure total currency strength of 8 major currencies by calculating and comparing 28 currency pairs in various measurement. To run this excel we need to enable DDE server on MT4. Then open this excel file and if ask want to enable update, click yes. It is very useful to quick view overall currency market strength and sentiment.
Here are a few screenshot example :
Attachment 8025
Attachment 8026
Attachment 8027
Attachment 8028