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All about Script(s) for MT4 and MT5

This is a discussion on All about Script(s) for MT4 and MT5 within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, Is there a script or an EA that can place the EXIT price on all open positions at a ...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Hi, Is there a script or an EA that can place the EXIT price on all open positions at a certain price? i.e. I should be able to select/insert one price for take profit.

  2. #12
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Limit orders Pro

    Limit orders Pro - script for MetaTrader 4

    This script provides quick work with a large number of pending orders in the market and contains functions for placing, changing, and deleting of orders within the your price range.
    mecman likes this.
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  3. #13
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Close Positions Current Symbol

    Close Positions Current Symbol - script for MetaTrader 5

    This script closes all positions by the symbol on the chart of which it was thrown. The script copies the Magic number at the position to be closed, while the script does not have its Magic number.

    For example, the symbol 'USDJPY' has several positions open:

    • position # 1 was opened manually and therefore its Magic is '0'
    • position # 2 was opened by advisers and its Magic is equal to '300'

    We drop the script onto the 'USDJPY' chart - it means the script will try to close all positions by the 'USDJPY' symbol. In this case, before closing position # 1, he will set himself a Magic number '0', and before closing position # 2 he will set '300'.
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  4. #14
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Grid - script for MetaTrader 5

    This simple script can serve as the basis for a good EA.
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  5. #15
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Group transfer Stop loss

    Group transfer Stop loss - script for MetaTrader 5

    All about Script(s) for MT4 and MT5-6565_1.png

    All about Script(s) for MT4 and MT5-6565_3.png

    Works on all positions on the current symbol. You set the stop loss price and the script moves the stop loss for all positions.
    Do not forget to swtich Algo Trading to be ON in Metatrader 5.
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  6. #16
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Price Action Toolkit Development (Part 18): Introducing Quarters Theory (III) — Quarters Board

    In our introduction to Quarters Theory, we began with the Quarters Drawer script, which is its first component. This script automates drawing quarter levels on a chart and features Boolean toggles to control the visibility of each level.
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