Jesse Jo Stark, the brooding singer-songwriter who was one of Guns N' Roses opening acts last year, released a seductive new video for "Fire of Love." Directed by Chuck Grant, Lana Del Rey's sister, the clip shows the singer writhing around skulls and rocking out in an empty theater.
Stark called the video an "ode to horror," noting references to Salvador Dali and Quentin Tarantino. "The song is an anthem about the fiery nature of passion and relationships," she said. "We wanted the video to have a similar, electric feel."
Based in Los Angeles, Stark is currently on tour with indie rock band, Sunflower Bean, and plans to release her debut LP in 2018. Her first EP, 2014's Down Your Drain, was produced by Sex Pistols guitarist Steve Jones. Jones contributed one song ("Dandelion") to the forthcoming release.