Telegram's popularity has been growing since it launched almost a decade ago. The app has nearly 540 million users, 38% of which are from Asia. The app offers a powerful alternative to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger and claims to be more secure than these two platforms. In fact, speed and security are Telegram's USP.
As the name suggests, a Telegram chatbot is a chatbot that lives on the Telegram platform and facilitates automated conversations between a human and a computer through the Telegram app.
The chatbot works just like a human you chat with through Telegram, with the only difference being that the answers are canned and you can get the same answer for similar questions.
Why use a Telegram chatbot?
If a large percentage of your target audience is active on Telegram, then it only makes sense to use the platform to provide better customer engagement using chatbots. Chatbots can provide answers to common queries in seconds, rather than days.
Telegram is considered one of the most secure messaging platforms out there, thanks to its end-to-end encryption. This means that customers will feel safer dealing with a Telegram Chatbot than, say, a human agent. Telegram is available on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, desktop apps and also has a web version. This platform agnostic feature of Telegram makes it a strong argument for creating a Telegram chatbot for your customers who may be using different devices.
As the name suggests, a Telegram Subscription Bot is a chatbot that lives on the Telegram platform and facilitates automated conversations between a human and a computer through the Telegram app.