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Metatrader 5 Overview

This is a discussion on Metatrader 5 Overview within the HowToBasic forums, part of the Announcements category; Linux has a vibrant development ecosystem and a good ergonomic for software development. Normally MetaTrader 5 developers just use MQL5 ...

  1. #231
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Develop a Proof-of-Concept DLL with C++ multi-threading support for MetaTrader 5 on Linux

    Metatrader 5 Overview-testconsumedll_elapsedtimeexecution.png

    Linux has a vibrant development ecosystem and a good ergonomic for software development.
    Normally MetaTrader 5 developers just use MQL5 programming language to develop their indicators/experts or related products then publish on the market to end-users without any concern about which OS to base on.
    But when developers need to involve developing a custom solution as a shared library (DLL) to further expand and provide additional services that MQL5 programming language alone cannot offer, then they will have to spend more time and effort in seeking for solution of cross-compilation, discovery of gotchas and best practices, getting familiar with the tools, etc.

    Those are the reasons that come into this article.
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  2. #232
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    Population optimization algorithms: Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA)

    Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) was proposed by E. Rashedi to solve the optimization problem, especially non-linear problems, following the principles of Newton's law of gravitation. In the proposed algorithm, particles are considered as objects and their performance is estimated taking into account their masses.
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  3. #233
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    Population optimization algorithms: Saplings Sowing and Growing up (SSG)

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    There are many optimization methods inspired by processes occurring in nature, such as evolutionary computation, artificial immunology, population methods and others. SSG is basically defined as iterative generation and combination processes working with a garden of potential solutions called seedlings. The Saplings Sowing and Growing (SSG) algorithm was proposed by A. Karci with co-authors in 2002. The algorithm is inspired by the evolution of growing trees and models the growth and branching of trees.
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  4. #234
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    Understand and Use MQL5 Strategy Tester Effectively

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    We will try to cover the most popular points about these previous topics to well understand what we need to deal with as programmers or developers.
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  5. #235
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    Matrices and vectors in MQL5: Activation functions

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    Here we will describe only one of the aspects of machine learning — activation functions. We will delve into the inner workings of the process.
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  6. #236
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    Presenting the book "MQL5 Programming for Traders"

    We have released the most comprehensive guide to MQL5 programming, authored by experienced algorithmic trader Stanislav Korotky with MetaQuotes' support.
    The book is intended for programmers of all levels. Beginners will learn the fundamentals as the book introduces key development tools and basic programming concepts. With this material, you can create, compile, and run your first application in the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. Users with experience in other programming languages can immediately advance to the applied part related to creating trading robots and analytical applications in MQL5.
    more here
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  7. #237
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    Introduction to MQL5 (Part 2): Navigating Predefined Variables, Common Functions, and Control Flow Statements

    Welcome back to our MQL5 journey! In Part One, we embarked on the adventure of algorithmic trading, breaking down the complexities of MQL5 for beginners without prior programming experience. As we step into Part Two, the excitement continues as we delve even deeper into the essential building blocks of MQL5. Our goal is simple yet profound: to ensure everyone, regardless of their programming background, feels the embrace of understanding. Feel free to ask any questions, and let's unravel the intricacies of MQL5 together. Let's forge a community where every voice is heard and every journey in algorithmic trading is shared.
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  8. #238
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    Building Your First Glass-box Model Using Python And MQL5

    Glass-box algorithms are machine learning algorithms that are fully transparent and inherently intelligible. They defy conventional wisdom that there is a tradeoff between prediction accuracy and interpretability in Machine Learning because they offer an unparalleled level of accuracy and transparency. This means they are exponentially easier to debug, maintain, and improve upon iteration when compared to their black-box alternatives that we are more familiar with. Black-box models are all machine learning models whose inner workings are complex and not easily interpretable. These models can represent high dimensional and non-linear relationships which aren't easily understood by us as humans.
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  9. #239
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    MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 10). The Unconventional RBM

    Restrictive Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are a form of neural network that are quite simple in their structure but are none the less revered, in certain circles, for what they can accomplish when it comes to revealing hidden properties and features in data-sets.
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  10. #240
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    Introduction to MQL5 (Part 6): A Beginner's Guide to Array Functions in MQL5

    Now, we'll explore the remaining array functions in Part 6, which will guarantee that you have a thorough understanding of these useful tools. Our objective is still to cover the basic ideas required for automating trading strategies, regardless of your experience level as a developer or level of familiarity with algorithmic trading. Our goal in delving into the nuances of these functions is to promote a comprehensive comprehension so that each reader can competently traverse the ever-changing terrain of MQL5 programming.
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