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New Photos Reveal Holes in NASA Mars Rover Wheels, but They're Still Turning

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by , 09-28-2024 at 05:57 AM (132 Views)
NASA's Curiosity rover has been exploring the Gale Crater on Mars since 2012. That's a long time to weather dust storms, drive along the base of a mountain and crawl over endless pointy rocks. The rover's aluminum wheels have taken a beating. New images show some dramatic gaping holes, but don't be alarmed. NASA has it under control.
The photos are eye-opening. Curiosity has six wheels and some are worse off than others. The right-middle wheel looks rough, but "is still holding up well despite taking some of the worst abuse from Mars," wrote rover engineer Ashley Stroupe in a mission update on Sept. 24. The wheel sports a gaping hole where you can see down into the mechanisms inside.


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