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  1. Good morning - Summer flowers

    by , 06-14-2015 at 05:06 PM
    John William Godward (1861-1922)
    Summer flowers 1903

    Name:  summer1.jpg
Views: 253
Size:  79.6 KB

    John William Godward (9 August 1861 - 13 December 1922) was an English painter from the end of the Pre-Raphaelite / Neo-Classicist era.

    He was a protege of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema but his style of painting fell out of favour with the arrival of painters like Picasso. He committed suicide at the age of 61 and is said to have written in his suicide note that "the ...
  2. Top 10 Movie Sets Ever Built - A well-built set creates the world

    by , 06-14-2015 at 10:04 AM
    Name:  maxresdefault.jpg
Views: 144
Size:  85.5 KB

    Before the cameras can roll, and the action starts, a movie set invites audiences into the action. A well-built set creates the world that the rest of the movie brings to life.


    Waterworld (1995)
    Director: Kevin Reynolds
    Production Design: Dennis Gasner
    The Atoll was painstakingly constructed ON WATER, using pretty much all the steel that could possibly ...
  3. How FIFA Makes (And Spends) Its Money

    by , 05-30-2015 at 07:04 PM
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Views: 179
Size:  66.5 KB

    How does the Zurich-based multi-million-pound organisation make its money and what does it spend it on?

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Views: 183
Size:  74.2 KB

    the source
    Tags: fifa Add / Edit Tags
  4. Good morning - Alexander Averin painting

    by , 05-04-2015 at 11:53 PM
    Alexander Averin painting

    Name:  averin.jpg
Views: 303
Size:  72.4 KB
  5. Official UK Music Charts - May 2015

    by , 05-04-2015 at 02:34 AM
    Name:  484727131.jpg
Views: 352
Size:  80.5 KB

    Official UK Music Charts- 26th April-May 2015
    Top 50, 40, 20, 10 Best Hits

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