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Korn's Head And Munky - "so we've had time to hang out and jam together"

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by , 06-09-2016 at 01:46 AM (906 Views)
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Brian "Head" Welch says James "Munky" Shaffer and him have really connected on Korn's upcoming album. The guitarist spoke with 95.5 KLOS about the duo's ability to rise to the top on their twelfth studio album. "Me and Munky have connected in a way that we haven't, literally, in years and years. The last record was awesome, and I love it."

"So we've had time to hang out and jam together for three years on the road. And so me and Munky really have connected as guitar twins, guitar duo, whatever you wanna call it. And so this is a really guitar-heavy record."


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