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2023 ACM Awards: How to Watch, Who’s Nominated, Who’s Performing

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by , 05-21-2023 at 02:52 AM (485 Views)

When the Academy of Country Music celebrated the 50th anniversary of its annual awards, it went to the place that does everything big and held the event at the then-new AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. This year, the annual event will be back in the greater Dallas area, but this time on the grounds where the Cowboys do their between-games work. In addition to the location change, this year’s show gets a little update in the sense that last year’s host Dolly Parton will now have a co-host who’s almost as famous as she is in the form of a Nineties icon. Like last year, CBS has still declined to renew its contract to broadcast the ACM Awards, with ceremonies again being a streaming-only event in conjunction with Amazon Prime.


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