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"Call Broken Arrow" follows the same disheveled prisoner and disturbing

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by , 08-17-2017 at 04:21 PM (799 Views)
At the Drive-In mine technology-driven paranoia and dread in their new "Call Broken Arrow" video. Director Rob Shaw weaves stop-motion animation throughout the clip – a prequel to his visual for "Hostage Stamps," from the band's recent fourth LP,in•ter a•li•a.

"Call Broken Arrow" follows the same disheveled prisoner and disturbing, faceless captors previously seen in "Hostage Stamps," with a cameo from street-swarming robot spiders. The new clip explores how the protagonist wound up in prison, though its shadowy shots of car-wiring, poisoning, surveillance photos and flaming corpses follow more of a dream logic than literal narrative.


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