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At long last, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has finally hit store shelves. After years of internal tribulations, this prequel/reboot to DICE’s 2008 stylish first-person parkour game is available for the world to play. Unfortunately, this open world interpretation is receiving a somewhat tepid response. It’s by no means an outright failure, but it seems to be disappointing for many fans of the original ...
Ever since it launched Windows 10, Microsoft has been working to integrate Xbox One and PC gaming. Multiple games are now available as cross-buy titles, meaning you buy the game once, you can play it on either an Xbox One or a PC. Xbox Owners can stream games locally from their console to a PC elsewhere in the house for portable gameplay. Xbox controllers are fully supported on PC hardware, and Microsoft ...
When HTC and Oculus launched their VR headsets, both companies ran into fulfillment problems that caused significant delays. Oculus, however, seemed to be more significantly impacted than HTC, and suffered a larger number of delays. As of today, HTC claims to be shipping out all orders within 72 hours, while simultaneously expanding its retail availability and demo locations. According ...
Bethesda has been pumping out Fallout 4 DLC this year at a steady clip, and the latest release is the biggest yet. The $25 Far Harbor DLC takes the player to a new location off the coast of Maine, and adds a thick layer of radioactive fog. Not only does this awful mist slowly chip away at your health bar, but it causes the frame rate on the PS4 to drop in a big way. Thankfully, Bethesda has already ...
For decades, companies like AMD and Nvidia have created two sets of products for the desktop and laptop markets. While the relative performance of laptop GPUs compared to desktop cards has varied, both companies have generally recognized the need to build lower-power cards to fit into laptop chassis. Nvidia is reportedly breaking this trend with its GTX 1080 and 1070, which may come to laptops ...