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PS4’s 4.0 firmware aims to fix the user interface

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by , 08-26-2016 at 02:42 AM (1069 Views)

As the PlayStation 4’s third anniversary nears, the folks at Sony are hard at work developing a major new firmware release focused on cleaning up the user interface. Codenamed “Shingen,” this 4.0 update will begin closed beta testing in the near future. While we won’t get to see every nook and cranny just yet, the PlayStation team has given us a glimpse at the changes we can expect later this year.
Over at the PlayStation Blog, Sony’s John Koller outlined a handful of Shingen’s improvements. First off, he explains that the system’s main interface is getting a facelift. We’ll see new backgrounds, updated icons, and redesigned notifications. This isn’t the complete overhaul many of us have been hoping for, but we won’t turn our noses up at this so-called “fresh coat of paint.”

Next, Sony plans on revising the Quick Menu — the simplified interface that comes up when you press and hold the PS button. The Quick Menu will no longer completely obscure gameplay, and we’ll have easy access to our party, friends, groups, and communities. Even better, the menu is customizable, so you’ll only have to see the options that matter most to you.


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