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Nvidia announces the GTX 1060: A $249 GTX 980 killer launching later this month

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by , 07-18-2016 at 06:01 PM (976 Views)

Once AMD launched the RX 480, it was inevitable that Nvidia would follow suit with its own new card. The company officially announced its GTX 1060 today, based on the GP106 die, and pushing Pascal into lower price points (at least in theory), while matching the performance of Nvidia’s GTX 980. Given that the GTX 980 launched as a $500 GPU, that’s a significant improvement in terms of performance per dollar.

The GTX 960 packs 1,280 GPU cores with a 1.5GHz core clock and 192GB/s of memory bandwidth courtesy of its 192-bit memory path. The chip’s boost clock is 1.7GHz and Nvidia’s PR release claims that the chip can “easily be overclocked to 2GHz for further performance.” TDP is just 120W, though NV is still sticking to a dual-slot cooler for this GPU. Like the RX 480, the GTX 1060 has a single six-pin connector, though the lower overall TDP should be enough to keep the card in spec.

Nvidia is claiming that partner boards will be available from July 19 forwards from a wide variety of manufacturers, while its Founders Edition will only be available in limited edition cards sold directly from We’re still seeing very limited availability on the GTX 1080 and 1070 (the 1070 has been a bit more common of late, but the 1080 remains hard to find). GP106 is a smaller chip, which typically means stronger yields, but we’ve heard rumors that Nvidia pulled this launch in to match the RX 480. This could limit availability. SLI also isn’t supported on the GTX 1060, whereas AMD does support Crossfire on the RX 480.


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