World of Warcraft: Blizzard will give anyone who sees the World of Warcraft movie a free copy of WoW
, 05-26-2016 at 03:24 PM (962 Views)
Blizzard has confirmed to us that this give-away includes all of the latest expansion packs and a free month of game play, though this last applies only to new players. Current players can still score a free copy of the game to share with a friend or launch a second account if they so desire.
Blockbuster movies have leveraged tie-ins to physical toys, food, clothing, and collectible glasses ever since the first Star Wars movie demonstrated that these additional products could be formidable sources of revenue. Video games, in contrast, have tended to get the short end of the stick — the list of great video game movie adaptations isn’t a long read.
Blizzard, in contrast, has come up with a method of tying the upcoming World of Warcraft movie directly into the already-existing World of Warcraft game. First, existing players who just log into the game between May 25 and August 1 will receive new transmogrification (transmogs for short). These are visual skins that make your weapons or armor look different, but don’t actually change anything about your character’s in-game performance.
The bigger prize is the free copy of World of Warcraft that Blizzard is handing out to anyone who buys tickets for the movie. WoW is currently $19.99 for a version of the game that includes all previous content and expansion packs with a maximum level cap of 100 and hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of content. Put differently, Blizzard is willing to give you a $20 game if you go and see a movie for significantly less than that.