Bryan Fuller. I have no explanation for the fox. The new Star Trek series
, 02-19-2016 at 05:06 PM (984 Views)
CBS has announced that the upcoming Star Trek TV show will be helmed by Brian Fuller, creator of Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, and Hannibal. Before he created these shows, Fuller was a writer on both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine*and Voyager, and has talked about the idea of bringing the series back to television for nearly a decade.
Fuller, who has been a Star Trek fan since he was a child, has pitched multiple ideas around a new series since 2008, when he told IF Magazine: “I would love to return to the spirit of the old series with the colors and attitude. I loved Voyager*and Deep Space Nine, but they seem to have lost the ‘60s fun and I would love to take it back to its origin.”
More recently, Fuller has speculated about setting a Star Trek TV show on the USS Reliant rather than the USS Enterprise, or rebooting the TNG universe within the Abrams timeline rather than returning to the original timeline in which all of the previous television shows took place.
Watching Brian Fuller
I’m not familiar with Fuller’s later television shows, but it just so happens that I’ve been re-watching all of the Star Trek spin-offs. Fuller wrote just two DS9 episodes, “The Darkness and the Light,” and “Empok Nor.” Both are solid, though I’d argue “Empok Nor” is the better of the two.
Bryan Fuller. I have no explanation for the fox.
His Voyager repertoire is more extensive, at 20 episodes. My initial opinion of Voyager when it aired wasn’t very positive, but I’ve actually warmed to the show more now that I’m watching it again. It’s still my third-favorite behind DS9 and TNG, but it deserved more credit than I initially gave it. Now that I’ve seen which episodes Fuller wrote, I think some of that credit belongs to him.