Fan-Made 3dfx Driver Allows Widescreen Gaming
, 07-02-2022 at 02:43 AM (287 Views)
The name 3dfx certainly warms a lot of, um, mature gamers’ hearts. For a lot of us, the Voodoo 2 was our first actual 3D graphics card. And it was glorious. Even though we were gaming at 800 x 600, we loved it. Going from software rendering to hardware rendering for the first time was absolutely incredible. For the younger readers, it was similar to going from a hard drive to an SSD for the first time. The difference in performance left us speechless. Since then a lot of hobbyists have recreated a similar retro gaming environment to bask in the nostalgia. The only problem is to truly experience old school gaming, you need a CRT monitor. Those are very hard to find, and until now, 3dfx drivers didn’t support widescreen displays like we use today. Now a 3dfx forum user has uploaded a new driver that allows widescreen gaming, finally.It’s called the 3dfx Wide Driver, and if you’re into this sort of thing you have to grab it now.