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AMD’s new Radeon Crimson software - Evolution of Catalyst

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by , 12-03-2015 at 09:23 PM (1363 Views)

When it comes to control panels and user interfaces, both AMD and Nvidia have taken an incremental approach to adding features or changing the basic UI. Today, Team Red is shaking that trend up, with a brand-new driver stack that offers an entirely different UI — and a host of other improvements as well. It’s a huge jump forward on multiple fronts for AMD and an encouraging sign to see the company taking multiple aspects of support more seriously. The images below can be clicked for enlarged versions.

Evolution of Catalyst

Here’s the evolution of AMD’s UI from 2002 to the present day. The original Catalyst Control Center debuted in 2002 and the major themes were established by 2006. The 2015 UI is a clear evolution of the 2006 design rather than a wholesale revamp. Today’s Radeon Crimson Software Edition (Crimson for short) breaks with this trend in favor of a Metro-like interface — but we actually mean that in a good way.

Here’s an example of the old layout, which required some scaling or resizing to make elements fit, as compared to the new global profile page:


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