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  1. The Oculus Rift Will Soon Only Work on Windows 10 PCs

    by , 06-29-2018 at 04:33 PM

    Beloved Facebook subsidiary Oculus has announced that going forward, the Oculus Rift will only support Windows 10 systems once the Rift Core 2.0 update drops. While this isn’t expected to lead to any near-term loss of features or capabilities on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, the firm’s messaging is clear: Update now. ...
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  2. Microsoft, Razer Bring Keyboard and Mouse Support

    by , 06-28-2018 at 04:56 AM

    Let’s get one thing straight: The Xbox One (including the One X and One S) is a PC in everything but name. It runs a modified version of Windows 10 on commodity x86 hardware using a GPU developed for the mainstream graphics market. True, the exact specifics of the SoC are unlike anything you can buy today at ...
  3. Nvidia May Have a GPU Inventory Problem

    by , 06-26-2018 at 04:26 PM

    There are reports that Nvidia might have a GPU inventory problem on its hands. If true, it would explain why Jen-Hsun told the press that new GeForce cards wouldn’t arrive for a “long time,” when other sources we’ve spoken to have implied a much quicker release time frame within the next few months. As ...
  4. Diablo Source Code Reconstructed

    by , 06-22-2018 at 06:41 PM

    Blizzard has recently revisited some of its classic titles, with updates and improvements dropping for Warcraft III, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft’s upcoming Classic servers. Some of its older games, like the original Diablo, however, haven’t received the same coat of paint or support. Diablo was a huge ...
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  5. Asus Announces Gaming Phone

    by , 06-06-2018 at 12:40 PM

    With the release of popular competitive mobile games like PUBG and Fortnite on mobile, there is renewed interest in “gaming phones.” Devices like the Razer Phone and Red Magic are a bit more mainstream than old gaming-oriented devices like the Sony Xperia Play. They’re still normal Android-powered slates, but they ...
    Tags: asus, rog phone Add / Edit Tags
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