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Nvidia Launches Game Studio to Bring Ray Tracing to More Retro Titles

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by , 10-16-2019 at 12:22 PM (858 Views)
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Earlier this year, Nvidia launched a very old game into the modern era with an RTX-enhanced version of Quake II. The new version of the very old game was generally well-received. It helps that Quake II was an iconic title in its own right, with a shareware demo that allows anyone with an RTX GPU to download and experience the first few levels of the game without paying any money. Evidently this project worked well enough that Nvidia has now launched its own game studio, Lightspeed Studios, to focus on updating more retro games with ray tracing features. Nvidia has placed a job ad looking for an experienced game producer looking to lead the effort.


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Tags: game, gaming, nvidia, quake Add / Edit Tags
