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Xbox One is selling in China- it sold a very respectable 100,000 units

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by , 10-14-2014 at 10:15 AM (2690 Views)

After the end of a 14-year game console ban by the Chinese government, the Xbox One was finally introduced to that market in an official capacity late last month. On the first day of the console’s release, it sold a very respectable 100,000 units, and it’s anticipated that the Xbox One will continue to sell well over the next year. Will this early lead for Microsoft translate to domination in the growing Chinese market, or will Nintendo and Sony outpace the house that Halo built?

Chinese news site 17173 is reporting the “100,000


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  1. matfx's Avatar
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    Sony PlayStation 4 will be soon selling in China, we will see how these game console competing in China's market.