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Sony Slashes PSVR Prices As Low As $200

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by , 02-21-2018 at 06:08 PM (1016 Views)

Sony has cut the price of its PlayStation VR systems, after a holiday sale apparently moved enough units that the company wants to goose them further. Through Saturday, March 3, Sony’s standalone headsets and bundles (See on Amazon) will be just $200, down from the $300 standard price.

Remember, the standalone headset doesn’t include the camera that you actually need to make virtual reality work. To enable that, you need a camera, which is why some of the associated game bundles are a pretty good deal. The Doom VFR Bundle includes the PSVR headset, PlayStation Camera, Sony’s VR Demo Disc 2.0, and Doom VFR itself. Price: $299, down from $399.


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