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BioWare Kills Mass Effect Andromeda DLC, No More Single-Player Patches

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by , 08-26-2017 at 03:01 PM (930 Views)

When Mass Effect Andromeda launched, the game racked up very mixed reviews. We’ve written about the game’s launch issues and the behind-the-scenes reason why things went wrong throughout its development cycle. BioWare always had a very tough act to follow, especially given that the sequel to the original ME trilogy was going to kick off adventure in a whole new galaxy, with new races and characters, and, for the first time in three games, a new protagonist. The game took fire for poor animations and image quality overall, but the bigger flaw, storywise, was that it wasn’t particularly good. That’s not to say nobody liked it, by any means, but Mass Effect 3 had an 89 rating from critics and a 5.6 rating from fans, with the latter likely due to the ending in particular. Mass Effect Andromeda doesn’t even hit that level, with a 72 from critics and a 5.0 from fans. (Both were a sharp decline from ME2, with its 94 / 8.8 rating).


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