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Unofficial World of Warcraft ‘Felmyst’ Server Revisits The Burning Crusade

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by , 07-21-2017 at 02:30 PM (1152 Views)

There’s a new “unofficial” project to bring back classic WoW gaming — just not in quite the same form as the game’s original launch code. The new, unofficial (read: Blizzard un-approved) Felmyst server will target The Burning Crusade expansion as its setting rather than the original, vanilla, World of Warcraft.

As someone who played a great deal of WoW during both vanilla and TBC, I’d say that this is the stronger technical choice. The Burning Crusade rebalanced the game around a new level cap and arrived once a major set of class overhauls had expanded the roles that hybrid classes — Paladins, Druids, and Shaman — could viably play in end-game raids. In vanilla (depending, to some extent, on which patch you were talking about), all three of these classes were reasonably viable in 5-man dungeon content as healers, damage-dealers (DPSers), or tanks, but were assigned/required to heal in most raids. Poor itemization meant that Retribution (DPS) or Protection (Tanking) Paladins had little chance of competing against Warriors, which were either DPSers or tanks, but had no healing option. Druids and Shaman had similar problems to a greater or smaller degree.


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