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Think Twice Before Getting Excited for Nintendo’s Upcoming SNES

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by , 04-24-2017 at 09:06 AM (1365 Views)

In July 2016, we first covered the Mini Classic NES, later officially called the NES Classic Edition. It was a tiny Nintendo with original controllers, 30 preloaded games, and an original controller. As information leaked out, it became clear this thing was really going to be something special, with excellent game reproduction and multiple graphics modes, plus some saved game options that didn’t exist when the NES first launched.

My significant other is a fan of classic Nintendo and I never got to play most of the games from the NES generation, since my family didn’t think that was an appropriate use of time when I was growing up. So when Nintendo announced the platform, I planned to snap one up immediately. Once the Classic NES launched, I parked myself on websites like BrickSeek and NowInStock, visited local stores, and promised to get a console in time for Christmas. Once it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, I promised to snag one after the holiday, when I was certain demand would fall.


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