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Nokia 8 Hi-Tech smartphone for the MWC 2017

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by , 01-14-2017 at 04:01 PM (979 Views)

The reported return of the noteworthy Nokia mark took convenient shape Monday on the components of the Nokia 6, a mid-extend cell phone driven by Android, held for the Chinese market. Be that as it may, as indicated by the talk, the brand, still Finnish since purchased by the organization HMD, would set up an aggregate of 5 terminals during the current year.

One of them would be Nokia Preeminent, or Nokia 8. For sure, as per YouTube Add up to Tech, this gadget was noticeable a week ago at CES, on the remain of Qualcomm. She has posted a video demonstrating the camera. Softpedia includes that this cell phone could be authoritatively displayed in February at the Versatile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. The site additionally transfers the specialized sheet (ripped) of the gadget, which would have spilled on the canvas.


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