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Vinci Gadget The Kickstarter that wants to reinvent the headphones

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by , 12-12-2016 at 12:35 AM (3699 Views)

Vinci Smart headphones gadgets Kickstarter promises are not always engraved in marble, but it must be confessed that some people do not lack idea. This is the case of Vinci, a headset controlled by artificial intelligence that has already raised over $ 280,000 in donations (the initial request was $ 50,000) on its official page.

A smart headset,The latter presents itself as a hub of your connected world, which simply goes beyond listening to music. Equipped with an accelerometer, a proximity sensor, a gyrometer, a cardiac sensor, a GPS and a compass, it can be controlled by voice and does not need to be connected to the Smartphone. It is therefore ideal for joggers. The sound stops automatically as soon as you remove it from your ears.


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