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Psychologist - formula for perfect family vacation

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by , 08-19-2015 at 11:57 AM (1202 Views)
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A psychologist has teamed up with an online ticket company to formulate what makes the perfect getaway — and it could mean leaving your smartphone at home.

“Kids are very proficient at using mouses, screens, or clicking onto things,” Dr. David Holmes of the U.K. told ABC News on Monday. “The tendency is that their attention spans have been reduced. In order to have good family interaction, you have to kind of limit, or put a ban on using technology and that goes for adults as well as children.”

Holmes worked alongside after the site surveyed 2,000 families about what they feel makes the ideal family vacation.

Holmes then created the formula that he says measures the factors of a perfect family vacation.

Those factors include lifetime experience (LE), quality family interaction (QI), quality activities (Q), accommodation quality (AQ), weather (W), screen freedom (S) and overall cost (C).

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