Originally Posted by newdigital Please find ZUP_RSI_v48 indicator improved by Nen for new builds of MT4. Template is attached. This is old indicator improved by Nen (author of ZUP) for MT4 build 600+ few days ago
Step Charts indicators were updated by Igorad : Step Charts - StepChartChannel_v2 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above. - StepChartTrend_v2 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above. - StepChartAge_v2 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
Originally Posted by matfx As far as i know, in order to show past harmonic patterns in ZUP we need to set these parameters : ExGartleyTypeSearch = 1 ExtHiddenPP = 2 maxBarToD = 0 Here is the example after applying the setting :
Originally Posted by ForeCastle Talking Points: News releases can be stressful on tradersDevelop a plan before the event arrives Major news releases can be stressful on traders. That stress can show up for a variety of trading styles. Perhaps you are already in a good position with a good entry and you are afraid the news release may take a bite out of your good entry. Perhaps you want to enter into a new position as prices are near a technically sound entry point, but ...
Have you ever read a book on trading or investing? If you have read more than one of them, you will notice that they usually regurgitate the same old technical analysis. Most books and academics themselves follow the traditional route for technical analysis. The problem is that if that traditional method worked so well, you could be expected to read those books and make a lot of money.One of the common trading tools that is suggested in most trading books is the moving average. But have you ever ...