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10 Sunday Readings: Will Your Bond Fund Flail, The richest places in America, the Panic of 1873, and more

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by , 09-20-2015 at 11:44 PM (1470 Views)
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  • For Markets, It’s the Treacherous Season: Despite the Fed’s decision to delay raising interest rates, stocks and commodities swoon at week’s end. Shades of past market crashes, Long Term Capital Management’s fall, and the Panic of 1873. (Barron’s)
  • Global economic issues fuel deflationary fears and help drive policymakers to keep rates low. (Fidelity)
  • If Investors Bail, Will Your Bond Fund Flail? (WSJ)
  • Is Pension-gate the next big scandal to rock the financial services industry? (Evidence-Based Investor)
  • The Experience Fallacy (A Wealth of Common Sense)
  • The richest places in America all have one thing in common (Wonkblog)
  • More Than Half of Jeb Bush’s Tax Cuts Would Go To the Top 1% (CTJ Reports) see also Study: 53 percent of Jeb Bush’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent (Vox)
  • What the World Got Wrong About Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (NYT)
  • How ‘Netflix and chill’ became internet slang for having sex (Fusion)
  • After the Grateful Dead, Phil Lesh Shows He Has a Head for Business (NYT)

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