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Lenovo To Invest Additional USD5 Million In Thailand

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by , 10-27-2014 at 03:06 AM (1004 Views)

Lenovo plans to increase its Thai market share as it invests an additional USD5 million in Thailand in 2014.

Jeerawut Wongpimonporn, general manager of Lenovo Thailand, said that Lenovo's Asian headquarters has approved this additional budget plan. Of the total investment, USD2 million to USD3 million will be used to expand marketing channels, enhance marketing, and improve operation and management; while the remainder will be used for office maintenance and the creation of a server demonstration center.

Wongpimonporn revealed that Lenovo Thailand currently has three major businesses: PC sales, mobile phones and servers. The company plans to develop new businesses like cloud computing and an ecosystem service in the future.

According to Koh Kong Meng, vice president and general manager of the Lenovo Asia region, holding its server business momentum can help maintain PC market share and improve smartphone and tablet sales. In 2013, Lenovo's server business market value in Southeast Asia reached USD980 million.


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