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Laurent Parcelier painting

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by , 05-31-2018 at 03:30 PM (1767 Views)
Laurent Parcelier painting

PARCELIER Laurent was born in 1962 in Auvergne. After studying Applied Arts Duperré in Paris, he started in the comic. He published 8 albums at Casterman. Meanwhile he began to devote himself to painting. It exclusively since 1996. Since that date, after several shows and exhibitions he exhibited in several galleries in France and the USA.

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If we had two words, not one more set for the work of Laurent PARCELIER, it would be poetry and light. Which might be added, luxury, calm and voluptuousness, love of nature, quiet places and warm family atmosphere.

Poet of light, the poet is assured. Blink eyes slightly, place in front of one of his paintings and watch it at your leisure, you will only see sparks of light everywhere.

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