Pisa Cathedral by Italian sculptor Giovanni Pisano
, 08-19-2017 at 01:05 PM (2071 Views)
A pulpit for Pisa Cathedral by Italian sculptor Giovanni Pisano, showing a woman breastfeeding, was on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in October 2016. This weekend, a breastfeeding museum visitor says she was told to cover up, which the museum says violates its own policies.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London has apologized to a breastfeeding visitor who says she was told to cover up.
The woman, who posts on Twitter as @vaguechera, says she had "flashed a nanosecond of nipple" in the museum's courtyard when she was told to conceal her breasts. Instead of bearing that in silence, she busted out her phone and started tweeting.
The woman in question told the BBC that she appreciated the apologies and the widespread support she received.
"That said, clearly not everyone is aware of the legal protection that women are afforded when feeding in a public space," she told the BBC. "Policies are important, but they only work if staff are supported to understand and carry them out."