10 Sunday Reads
, 08-24-2014 at 04:09 PM (1259 Views)
No bubble to burst: U.S. student debt is not housing (Vanguard)What are you reading?
• Why Are You Outperforming? Why Are You Underperforming? (Meb Faber)
• Norway’s gargantuan sovereign wealth fund, by the numbers (Quartz)
• An Unfinished Chapter at Countrywide (NYT)
• The Housing Being Built in New York Doesn’t Meet the Needs of New Yorkers (New York Observer)
• Are One-Star Reviews for Assholes? (Priceonomics)
• I will not be returning to Ferguson (Ryan Schuessler) see also Convicting Darren Wilson Will Be Basically Impossible (New Republic)
• Myth #1: ISIS is crazy and irrational (Vox)
• Most smartphone users download zero apps per month (Quartz) see also These are the 25 most popular mobile apps in America (Quartz)
• Jeff Bridges has his own ways of navigating Hollywood and making art (WSJ)