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China Oil Imports Rise as Teapot Refinery Demand Overwhelms Port

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by , 05-09-2016 at 04:39 PM (1094 Views)
China Oil Imports Rise as Teapot Refinery Demand Overwhelms Port

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Oil imports by China, the world’s biggest consumer after the U.S., rebounded amid strong buying by independent refiners that have helped push the country’s crude demand to a record and overwhelmed one of the country’s biggest ports with tanker traffic.

Inbound shipments during April totaled 32.58 million metric tons, data from the Beijing-based General Administration of Customs showed on Sunday. That’s equivalent to 7.96 million barrels a day, up 3.2 percent from the previous month and near a record 8.04 million in February. Net oil-product exports fell 10 percent from March to 1.17 million tons.

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