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Metatrader 5 / Metatrader 4 for MQL5 / MQL4 articles preview

This is a discussion on Metatrader 5 / Metatrader 4 for MQL5 / MQL4 articles preview within the General Discussion forums, part of the Trading Forum category; This article is intended primarily for the programmers who have already learned the language but have not fully mastered the ...

  1. #1
    member mql5's Avatar
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    Metatrader 5 / Metatrader 4 for MQL5 / MQL4 articles preview

    This article is intended primarily for the programmers who have already learned the language but have not fully mastered the program development yet. It reveals some debugging techniques and presents a combined experience of the author and many other programmers.

    Metatrader 5 / Metatrader 4 for MQL5 / MQL4 articles preview preview
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    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Cookbook: How to Avoid Errors When Setting/Modifying Trade Levels

    In continuation of our work on the Expert Advisor from the previous article of the series called "MQL5 Cookbook: Analyzing Position Properties in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester", we will enhance it with a whole lot of useful functions, as well as improve and optimize the existing ones. The Expert Advisor will this time have external parameters that can be optimized in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester and will in some ways resemble a simple trading system.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Programming Basics: Strings

    The article covers everything you can do with strings in MQL5. It should be of interest primarily to novice MQL5 programmers, while experienced developers will have a good opportunity to summarize and systematize their knowledge.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Cloud Network: Are You Still Calculating?

    It will soon be a year and a half since the MQL5 Cloud Network has been launched. This leading edge event ushered in a new era of algorithmic trading - now with a couple of clicks, traders can have hundreds and thousands of computing cores at their disposal for the optimization of their trading strategies.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    Metatrader 5 / Metatrader 4 for MQL5 / MQL4 articles preview

    It is time to briefly summarize the information provided in the previous articles on position properties. In this article, we will create a few additional functions to get the properties that can only be obtained after accessing the history of deals. We will also get familiar with data structures that will allow us to access position and symbol properties in a more convenient way.


  6. #6
    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Programming Basics: Time

    The article focuses on standard MQL5 functions for working with time, as well as programming techniques and practically useful functions for working with time that are required when creating Expert Advisors and indicators. Particular attention is paid to the general theory of time measurement. This article should be of interest primarily to novice MQL5 programmers.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Market Results for Q1 2013

    Since its founding, the store of trading robots and technical indicators MQL5 Market has already attracted more than 250 developers who have published 580 products. The first quarter of 2013 has turned out to be quite successful for some MQL5 Market sellers who have managed to make handsome profit by selling their products.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Cookbook: Analyzing Position Properties in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester

    We will present a modified version of the Expert Advisor from the previous article "MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel". Some of the issues we will address include getting data from bars, checking for new bar events on the current symbol, including a trade class of the Standard Library to a file, creating a function to search for trading signals and a function for executing trading operations, as well as determining trade events in the OnTrade() function.


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    member mql5's Avatar
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    Jeremy Scott - Successful MQL5 Market Seller

    Jeremy Scott who is better known under Johnnypasado nickname at became famous offering products in our MQL5 Market service. Jeremy has already made several thousands of dollars in the Market and that is not the limit. We decided to take a closer look at the future millionaire and receive some pieces of advice for MQL5 Market sellers.


  10. #10
    member mql5's Avatar
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    MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel

    This time we will create a simple Expert Advisor that will get position properties on the current symbol and display them on the custom info panel during manual trading. The info panel will be created using graphical objects and displayed information will be refreshed at every tick. This is going to be much more convenient than all the time having to manually run the script described in the previous article of the series called "MQL5 Cookbook: Getting Position Properties".


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