Eurovision: UK's Molly looks back at memorable entries
, 05-10-2014 at 04:41 PM (1693 Views)
Eurovision: UK's Molly looks back at memorable entries
With an audience of 125 million viewers, the Eurovision Song Contest is one of the best platforms to launch an international career across the continent.
During its 59 years, the show has played host to a variety of genres, characters, performers and songs, making it one of the most diverse celebrations of music around.
UK Eurovision entrant Molly
Digital Spy recently caught up with this year's UK entrant Molly to discuss six memorable performances from the Eurovision archives.
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"I just loved them. It was so alternative and I loved the fact you would never ever in a million years thought they would win Eurovision. It's wicked that they did. I'm not sure my mum would enjoy their style, but I'm pretty sure my brother would."