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Cheap Concert Tickets

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by , 05-10-2018 at 04:36 PM (723 Views)

Live Nation came out with a suspiciously good deal this week. The entertainment company, in honor of National Concert Week, announced 1.5 million $20 “all-in” tickets that fans can purchase to attend more than 2,000 performances across its slate of upcoming summer music shows. Artists involved in that offering include Arcade Fire, Halsey, Maroon 5, Post Malone, and the Smashing Pumpkins.

The $20 tickets have no hidden fees attached, and they aren’t a one-off gimmick – rather, they’re smart business strategy that also pays off for fans. One of the reasons Live Nation is floating such a sparkling deal is that consumer demand for live music these days is at record levels, giving concert-runners a guaranteed market. (Live Nation could also be using the discount to fill up some emptier venues. It’s likely making money, not losing it, here.) While the company has not yet responded to request for comment on whether it will unveil more of these deals in the future, it did offer up a fixed-rate, buffet-style festival pass last summer and a similar combination deal for country music in January. With artists now also exploring new models of pricing, concert tickets may soon be much less of a strain on fans’ bank accounts.


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