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Solange was honored with the 2018 Harvard Foundation Artist of the Year

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by , 02-18-2018 at 11:03 AM (653 Views)
Solange was honored with the 2018 Harvard Foundation Artist of the Year distinction. Past winners have included Salma Hayek, Eva Longoria, Queen Latifah, Viola Davis, Shakira, John Legend and Jackie Chan.

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Each year, the Artist of the Year selection is voted on by students and faculty of the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations. According to its website, the foundation aims to "improve relations among racial and ethnic groups within the University and to enhance the quality of our common life." The award will be presented on March 3rd as part of the Cultural Rhythms Festival, an annual event put on by the Harvard Foundation that features "student performances and ethno-cultural cuisine from over 30 student organizations."


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