Thom Yorke Says He's Sick Of Releasing Music In Different Ways - "just put it out man, no more fuss"
, 09-18-2016 at 02:10 AM (889 Views)
Radiohead's Thom Yorke admits that he is sick of releasing music in new and different ways. "Again. Whatever. E nough of that now. Totally had enough of it," Yorke responded to Radio 1's Benji B after B brought up the release of Tomorrow's Modern Boxes, commenting that Yorke released it "differently."
He continued, "just put it out man, no more fuss. I'm getting too old for that bit. It takes away from things a bit, it's frustrating." B then asks what part he finds frustrating, with Yorke adding, "the energy of trying to figure out how to do it differently."