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FYF Fest in Los Angeles has been cancelled

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by , 05-08-2018 at 09:15 AM (874 Views)

Organizers announced Sunday that this year's FYF Fest in Los Angeles has been cancelled. The long-running music festival, which was set to celebrate its 15th anniversary on July 21st and 22nd, had booked Florence and the Machine, Janet Jackson and My Bloody Valentine for this year's lineup.

"After much consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel FYF Fest 2018," organizers wrote on Instagram. "Our team of many women and men have worked tirelessly on this event for many years but felt unable to present an experience on par with the expectations of our loyal fans and the Los Angeles music community this year."
Organizers also promised to announce "some special local shows" involving artists from the 2018 FYF Fest lineup in the near future.

While no concrete reason for the cancellation was provided, Billboard – which first learned of the festival's impending cancellation – cited low ticket sales. It's unclear whether FYF Fest will return in the future.


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