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Michael Hodges

Social Trading Binary Options Is The Latest Trend In The Industry

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by , 01-28-2015 at 01:45 PM (1255 Views)
Copy trading, mirror trading, social trading. All names for the same thing, the latest trend in binary options. They are exactly what it sounds like, more or less. It is the practice of copying or following someone else trading. To be honest, the concept is nothing new, people have been following gurus, news letter providers, analysts, more experienced traders and each other since the dawn of trading. The difference now is that the binary options brokers, following the lead of popular forex platforms like eToro and ZuluTrade, are providing copy and social trading as a service to their clients. This means that traders can now copy trades made by other, more successful, traders directly into their accounts. This may sound like a signal service or auto trader and it is, in a way, but is different in one respect. . . you are following the signals of a live trader, directly into your account and at your discretion. In one sense its like investing in a mutual fund or ETF. You compare the performance of each trader(fund) to the others and pick the best ones, trying to gain some diversification by choosing one trader who is active in the gold market and another who is active in forex. As a means of entering the market, learning the ropes and getting on the road to personal trading success copy trading is going to become a leader.

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